Cat Breed Guide: Steps to Cat Mating and Reproduction

Cat breeding often needs proper planning and thorough research done. Everything should be ready and well prepared. This includes an inspection to check for any health issues your cats might be having and constructing a cattery among other things.

Other things include finding out the age of your cat, the size, and checking if the queen is on heat. The procedure may take some time but it’s worth waiting.

If you do everything else correctly, the chances of your female cat getting pregnant will greatly increase thus you can expect it to have healthy offspring. Also, it is important that you remember to register your kittens once they are born. You can see this link for more insights

Below is an outline to help you learn more about cat’s reproduction:

  • Let the cats grow into their potential full size

Typically, reproduction in both humans and animals begins at a certain age. This means if reproduction happens too early, you can expect health problems in both genders. Before you mate your cats, wait until they are both mature enough.

By law, both the female and the male cat should be at least 18-24 months old before they are mated. Breeding the female at an early age can cause stunted growth because of too much pressure when it comes to looking after the kittens, yet she is so young.

Then again, breeding the males before they reach full size can lead to you to missing any genetic disorders the cay might be having.

  • Visit a veterinarian

Once you have concluded that your cats are of age, the next most important step is to take them to a vet for a full physical examination.

Here, they will get all the necessary shots including vitamin boosts. The vet should also perform a check by taking a few stool samples besides other compulsory tests to determine whether the felines are fit.

Note that, the test should be performed on both felines. After the examination, the vet should be able to inform you of any possible ailments in the cats or if they can be passed to the kittens.

  • Is the female on heat yet?

This period is known as estrus. The females can be on heat from as early as four and a half months and it continues until t she is sprayed or mates.

For most wild cats, the mating season occurs during summer and spring. When the female is on heat, you will notice a change in its behavior.

She will start being more affectionate, l start rubbing on you and the furniture, rolling on the floor, and wanting extra attention. This is their way of attracting males and it can go on for up to 3 weeks. Mating for indoor felines can occur all year round.

  • Put female and male together

Now that you have all the medical reports you needed, it’s time to mate the two cats. The process might take anywhere between 1-25 seconds after which the male runs away.

The female is likely to start acting violently immediately after, a process that takes approximately 10 minutes. After around half an hour later, you can introduce another male so that the female can mate again. This will increase the kind of litters likely to be produced.

  • Watch out for signs of pregnancy in the queen

The average gestation period of a cat is between 60 to 67 days. During this period, you will notice some physical and emotional changes in your queen. For starters, you may notice a change in their heat cycle which drops drastically.

They may also become more affectionate and sleet more than usual. Other physical changes include swelling of the nipples, the cat’s nipples turn pink in color, weight gain, increased appetite, and frequent morning sickness vomiting.

Note that, it is always good to consult your vet if the vomiting persists just to be sure. Additionally, your kitty may exhibit nesting behavior, like searching for a peaceful and comfy spot for birthing.

The minute you are sure that your kitty is pregnant, visit the vet and request for an ultrasound.

  • Signs that your cat is due

When the gestation period is over, you should be expecting the kittens anytime. At this point, your cat will start behaving differently, a sign that she is almost due.

Firstly, she will start exhibiting nesting behaviors. This happens a few days or hours before going into labor. Next, she becomes so uneasy and agitated a few hours to labor, other signs include rapid loss of appetite and more vocalizing more than usual, a sign that she is into labor.


  • Prepare your cat for birthing

Most kitties give birth naturally and may not need your assistance during the process. However, before it begins, you should have a few things ready.

A well-organized nesting box, some clean towels to clean and hold the kittens, water, food, and a litter box. You will also need a carrier nearby in case of an emergency, and you are forced to rush to the vet. Click here to read more about breeding cats.


If you are attempting to breed kitties, start by knowing what the process entails to achieve desired results. You can start by engaging your vet and other cat owners for tips and ideas. Once you have gathered all the relevant information, you can now start preparing the cattery. Mating cats requires that each kitty is healthy and fit to raise the newborns. Additionally, you need to examine the queen often to avoid missing her cycle. Besides, executing the breeding process correctly increases the likely hood of pregnancy and healthy kittens.