Category: Books

REVIEW: Heavenly Recordings – Believe In Magic

REVIEW: Heavenly Recordings – Believe In Magic

Charming and intriguing, Heavenly Records, the independent record label that emerged in the early 90’s has now been going strong for 30 plus years. Founded by the spring haired Jeff Barrett he has helped introduce many an iconic band to…

NEWS: Auto Erotica - Jonny Trunk

NEWS: Auto Erotica – Jonny Trunk

Jonny Trunk, the expert archive collector has gone and done it again. In Cooperation with Fuel Publications he’s releasing another fab book, this time all about cars. The following dialogue is taken directly from the Kickstarter book funding page: AUTO…

REVIEW: Jimmy Page – The Anthology

REVIEW: Jimmy Page – The Anthology

Depending on when you were born you’re more than likely to have different experiences of first hearing about and seeing Jimmy Page. Me personally it was watching a rerun of the 1966 Blow Up film featuring David Hemmings and Vanessa…