Health: which sports for the summer?

Are you a regular sportsperson? Are you used to going to the gym or a studio but can’t always make it during the holidays? What if the summer season allowed you to diversify your practice by adding outdoor training to your sports routine?

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Tips for the best summer sports practice:

Vary your pleasures by changing your environment 

By practising your physical activity outdoors, you can diversify your practice and explore new possibilities such as running, beach volleyball, cycling or street workouts. Instead of staying cooped up at home or in your studio, you can take advantage of places like the beach, the forest, parks, the mountains or the facilities in your town. This will call on new muscles and require different efforts, allowing you to progress in your discipline. For example, practising yoga on the beach will require more balance and concentration than at home or in your usual studio. Are you ready to try tree pose by the water?

Increase your energy expenditure

Being exposed to the heat during outdoor sessions requires more effort from your body, which translates into an increase in the amount of calories burned. In the sun and intense heat, the body makes extra efforts to maintain its average body temperature, which results in higher energy expenditure. So, you burn more calories than in a conventional environment. Wind also plays a similar role. For example, running into the wind requires more effort than running on a treadmill because you must redouble your efforts—all the more reason to exercise outdoors.

Meet new people 

Outdoor sport also allows you to meet new people and share convivial moments around your passion for sport. You can meet people with the same passion depending on where you practise. It’s an opportunity to discover new methods and new routes or to motivate each other towards new goals.

But which sports for the summer?


Who is it for? Climbing is a mixed activity that can be adapted to all ages, levels, and physical conditions, from the youngest to the most retired climbers! Including people with disabilities or injuries… clubs can adapt the routes and allow access by personalising the climb according to physical condition.

Where? Climbing can be done indoors all year round but also outdoors in summer, where there are two main options:

– Climbing on dedicated, fully-equipped routes requires a certain amount of equipment, belay techniques, and large pieces of equipment. It’s aimed more at experienced climbers.

– Bouldering is similar to indoor climbing but on rocky, more natural sites. This type of climbing is much more suitable for beginners, as there is generally no need for heavy equipment, just the usual belaying gear.

Benefits: Climbing strengthens and tones the whole body harmoniously. You develop your motor skills, flexibility, mobility, and concentration for the psychological side of climbing.

Aquagym and aquatraining

Who are they for? These water sports can be practised by everyone, regardless of age, weight or physical condition, as the water and the movements it generates have no impact on the joints. This sport is popular with older people and/or those wishing to lose weight without the risk of damaging bones or joints.

The benefits: This discipline is practised in water, so your body doesn’t feel the impact, there’s no trauma, and the risk of accidents and injury is minimal.

The efforts are sustained, which is why it is recommended for building muscle, losing weight and burning calories.

Here are a few recommendations to follow when practising sports in the summer

  • Hydrate regularly: Summer is a hot season, and to avoid dehydration, it is essential to drink water before, during, and after physical effort.
  • Protect yourself from the sun: UV rays are more intense in summer, so use a high-protection factor sun cream, wear covering clothing, and wear a hat to protect your skin and eyes.
  • Choose the correct times to exercise: To avoid excessive temperatures between midday and 4 p.m., favour cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon.
  • Choose the proper clothing: Choose lightweight, breathable clothing that allows perspiration to escape, keeping you comfortable and relaxed during your activity.

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Final words

Holidays are the perfect opportunity to get active with your family! For 30% of people, sport is one of their holiday choices! Sporting activities are a critical factor in the selection of destinations. So, summer heat, a desire to get active and look after yourself on holiday? At least 87% of those questioned want to take up sports during the summer!

So, which of these top sports trends will be your summer activity?